Town Historian

Jayne Schweikert
944 Charlotte Creek Road
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 267-4767

New York State requires a public historian in every municipality.  In a town, the historian is appointed by the Town Supervisor.  Duties of the historian are to "promote the establishment and improvement of programs for the management and preservation of local government records with enduring value for historical or other research; encourage the coordinated collection and preservation of nongovernmental historical records by libraries, historical societies, and other repositories; and carry out and actively encourage research in such records in order to add to the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the community's history."  NYS Arts & Cultural Affairs Law Section 57.07.  

In the Town of Davenport, we are fortunate to have an active and proficient historical society, of which our town historians have been members. 

The historian also takes the lead in identifying homes, buildings, structures and other sites in the community that should be preserved because of architectural, historical or archeological significance and their connections with historic persons and events.  When placed on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places, plaques may be erected and the sites marked.  

Town of Davenport Historians
Jayne Schweibert (2023 - present)
Alvina Teter (    - 2022)
Donald Teter
Mary S. Briggs